Title: Using three AOSE toolkits to develop a sample design
Authors: Scott A. DeLoach, Lin Padgham, Anna Perini, Angelo Susi, John Thangarajah
Addresses: Kansas State University, USA. ' RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. ' Fondazione Bruno Kessler – IRST, Trento, Italy. ' Fondazione Bruno Kessler – IRST, Trento, Italy. ' RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Abstract: At the 8th Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Workshop, the developers of tools supporting three popular agent-oriented methodologies (Tropos, Prometheus and Organization-based Multiagent Systems Engineering (O-MaSE)) demonstrated their tools using a common multi-agent system design case study: the Conference Management System. The methodologies are representative of the state-of-the-art in agent-oriented software methodologies, as they are some of the earliest and most mature agent-oriented methodologies currently available. The paper briefly summarises the three methodologies and their associated tools and then works through the analysis, architectural design and detailed design phases of the Conference Management system case study using each methodology and tool. The paper compares the models and concepts used during each phase and provides a discussion on the similarities and differences between them.
Keywords: agent design toolkits; Prometheus; Tropos; Organization-based Multiagent Systems Engineering; O-MaSE; agent-oriented software engineering; AOSE; MAS; agent-based systems; multi-agent systems; analysis; architectural design; detailed design; conference management.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAOSE.2009.025321
International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 2009 Vol.3 No.4, pp.416 - 476
Published online: 19 May 2009 *
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