Title: Global brand's strategies for Ethical Brand Positioning in cross-cultural environment: an Indian context
Authors: Mahim Sagar, Deepali Singh, D.P. Agrawal
Addresses: Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi 10016, India. ' Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Morena Link Road, Gwalior 474010, India. ' Union Public Service Commission, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior 110016, New Delhi, India
Abstract: Every culture has its own uniqueness in terms of variability of beliefs, ethics and value system. This article is the result of research work on Ethical Brand Positioning (EBP) in cross-cultural environment. The work starts with the basic premise that brands in the global environment are facing various cultures, and cross-cultural variability is affecting their brand positioning. Brands need an adaptation framework in reference to the culture in which they operate. Brand positioning elements interact with various variables of culture. This interaction demands an adaptive response from the brand, if the brand positioning has to be contextual and in tune with the culture then the brand positioning variables has to interact, adapt and respond to the cultural variables in which the brand is operating. Four global brands operating in Indian context are taken and a generic stepwise prescriptive strategic framework is suggested for cross-cultural adaptation of EBP.
Keywords: brand positioning; culture; ethics; global brands; brand strategies; ethical brand positioning; cross-cultural environments; India.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2009 Vol.3 No.4, pp.374 - 400
Published online: 10 Apr 2009 *
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