Title: The role of the University of Tartu in the development of entrepreneurship in the region of South Estonia
Authors: Tonis Mets, Janita Andrijevskaja, Urmas Varblane
Addresses: Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Tartu, Narva Road 4, Tartu EE51009, Estonia. ' Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Tartu, Narva Road 4, Tartu EE51009, Estonia. ' University of Tartu, Narva Road 4, Tartu EE51009, Estonia
Abstract: This paper focuses on the contradictions in the development of entrepreneurship in Southern Estonia, a typical transition country region with traditional industries playing the dominant role in the economy. The region surrounds the University of Tartu, which in contrast is an old classical university with high-level fundamental research in high-tech sectors. This conflict of abilities and interests is analysed in this paper. The role of the University of Tartu in the development of knowledge-based entrepreneurship in Southern Estonia is assessed using the triple helix approach. The different interests of local firms and universities, which cause low levels of mutual cooperation are revealed. Suggestions are given for facilitating cooperation with business.
Keywords: entrepreneurship development; innovation; triple helix; knowledge-based entrepreneurship; research and development; R&D; Estonia; universities; higher education; transition economies; university-industry cooperation; industrial collaboration.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2008.023832
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2008 Vol.8 No.6, pp.648 - 664
Published online: 14 Mar 2009 *
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