Title: Identification of key issues for successful technology transfer in the Arab countries: a Delphi study
Authors: Khalid Al-Mabrouk, Jeffrey Soar
Addresses: Faculty of Business, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, Australia. ' Faculty of Business, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, 4350, Australia
Abstract: Technology transfer is seen as one beneficial and significant way countries can improve their social and economic growth. However, in the history of technology transfer in the Arab countries, it is probably true that there have been more failure and disappointment than satisfaction and success in achieving the expected results from the technology transfer agreements. Thus, a Delphi study was conducted to investigate, identify and prioritise key issues for successful technology transfer from the perceptions of stakeholder groups in the Arab countries. Valid questionnaire were returned from 72 respondents in the first round survey, providing a net response rate of 61% and yielded 400 perceived issues. Through three rounds of the Delphi survey, these issues have been synthesised and categorised into ten key issues with 53 subissues. The study findings should be of interest to all stakeholder groups who seek to better understand the key issues surrounding technology transfer success in developing countries in general, and in the Arab countries in particular.
Keywords: technology transfer; key issues; Delphi study; Arab countries.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTTC.2009.023433
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 2009 Vol.8 No.1, pp.22 - 50
Published online: 23 Feb 2009 *
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