Title: Wave character and quantum character of acupuncture systems
Authors: Ding-Zhong Li, Wei-Bo Zhang, Shong-Tao Fu, Yu-Ting Liu, Xiu-Zhang Li, Xiao-Yu Wang, Li-Jian Zhang, Shan-Ling Wu, Miao-He Shen, Chang-Lin Zhang
Addresses: The Sixth Hospital of Beijing, 26 North Second Street, Jioa Dao Kou, Beijing 100007, China. ' Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medical Science, Dong Zhi Men Nen, Pei Xing Chang, Beijing 100700, China. ' Guang An Men Hospital, Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medical Science, Beijing 100053, China. ' Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medical Science, Dong Zhi Men Nen, Pei Xing Chang, Beijing 100700, China. ' The Sixth Hospital of Beijing, 26 North Second Street, Jioa Dao Ko, Beijing 100007, China. ' The Sixth Hospital of Beijing, 26 North Second Street, Jioa Dao Ko, Beijing 100007, China. ' Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medical Science, Dong Zhi Men Nen, Pei Xing Chang, Beijing 100700, China. ' Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, 19B Yuquan Road, Shijingshan, Beijing 100049, China. ' Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, 19B Yuquan Road, Shijingshan, Beijing 100049, China. ' College of Life Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China; Department of Music and Music Education, Siegen University, Siegen, Hochstrasse 57, Siegen D-57076, Germany
Abstract: A series of experiments on isotope trace, magnetic measurement and observation of sensation propagation on acupuncture system were conducted in the national zero-magnetic laboratory of China in Beijing and in the Sixth Hospital of Beijing, Beijing, China. (1) The experimental result of isotope trace along meridian shows a wave pattern of acupuncture with three basic waves, namely 250 sec, 200 sec and 150 sec; (2) The spectrum character of electromagnetic oscillation in the Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) shows that the magnetic spectrum on acupuncture meridian is quite stable with peaks of 12-14 Hz and 28 Hz, strong and almost time-independent; whereas, the magnetic spectrum on non-meridian area is with many peaks in wide range and with big fluctuation. It reveals the wave character of meridian as from standing waves; (3) The observation of sensation propagation further reveals the big jump of acupuncture meridians from original places to some completely different roads, as big as the electrons jump from some original orbits to some other orbits, when a person is in some abnormal state. It also reveals the quantum character of acupuncture system.
Keywords: acupuncture meridian; magnetic spectrum; quantum character; wave character; standing waves;sensation propagation; isotope traces; electromagnetic oscillation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMIC.2008.023127
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2008 Vol.5 No.3, pp.229 - 235
Published online: 10 Feb 2009 *
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