Title: Reusable grid computing architecture based on code propagation method
Authors: Dariusz Krol, Grzegorz Kukla
Addresses: Institute of Applied Informatics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland. ' Institute of Applied Informatics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wybrzeze Wyspianskiego 27, 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland
Abstract: In this paper we examine the benefits and limitations of reusable grid computing structure. The key feature of this structure is the ability to hold and manage multiple distributed projects at the same time in the same physical network. We define essential requirements that a grid structure has to meet to be considered reusable. The problems resulting from established assumptions are enumerated. The existing grid computing solutions are analysed from a view of reusability. The design and implementation of reusable grid computing system relying on code propagation methods is discussed in details. The results of experimental verification of theoretical assumptions are included. We show that our choice of building reusable grid framework (RGF) could be successfully applied.
Keywords: grid computing; code propagation; reusable distributed systems; multi-agent systems; MAS; agent-based systems; reusability.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIIDS.2009.023037
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2009 Vol.3 No.1, pp.44 - 55
Published online: 08 Feb 2009 *
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