Title: Knowledge-networking capability in German SMEs: a model for empirical investigation
Authors: Jutta Gruenberg-Bochard, Petra Kreis-Hoyer
Addresses: Department of Economics, European Business School, International University Schlob Reichartshausen, 65375 Oestrich-Winkel, Germany. ' Department of Economics, European Business School, International University Schlob Reichartshausen, 65375 Oestrich-Winkel, Germany
Abstract: In the global knowledge based economy enterprises increasingly face the challenge of collaborative knowledge production in a networked context. Although the importance of the participation in such knowledge-networks is widely recognised, the capabilities for a successful participation have, so far, not been elaborated. Based on the dynamic capabilities view this paper proposes a holistic and practical concept of knowledge-networking capability (KNC). For this purpose knowledge-orientated and interaction-orientated capabilities elaborated in the literature are combined. Extracting the relevant strengths and weaknesses of German small and medium sized enterprises allows for identifying strategic starting points for a systematic development of KNC.
Keywords: cooperative knowledge production; dynamic capabilities; network organisation; small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; knowledge networks; Germany; collaboration; knowledge networking capability.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2009 Vol.45 No.3/4, pp.364 - 379
Published online: 24 Jan 2009 *
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