Title: An investigation into dynamic yard crane deployment and comparisons between hill-climbing and best-first-search algorithms
Authors: Wei Yan, Youfang Huang, Junliang He
Addresses: Logistics Engineering School, Shanghai Maritime University, 1550 Pudong Avenue, Shanghai 200135, PR China. ' Logistics Engineering School, Shanghai Maritime University, 1550 Pudong Avenue, Shanghai 200135, PR China. ' Logistics Engineering School, Shanghai Maritime University, 1550 Pudong Avenue, Shanghai 200135, PR China
Abstract: Container terminals secure a crucial position in container transportation, including shipping and land transportation. In particular, container yard management, which involves diverse operational services, significantly affects the operational efficiency of the entire container terminal. However, it is imperative to attain an effective workload scheduling to support the dynamic deployment of yard cranes. Based on these understandings, the proposed system aims at postulating a novel strategy in terms of yard crane scheduling. In this manner, a dynamic allocation model is initially developed using integer programming for yard cranes. To resolve the NP-hard problem regarding the yard crane deployment, two heuristic algorithms, i.e., the hill-climbing algorithm and the best-first-search algorithm, are then employed. A case study on a specific container terminal yard is used for system illustration via a simulation approach. Consequently, comparisons are conducted based on the results obtained from the hill-climbing and best-first-search algorithms.
Keywords: container yards; yard cranes; crane scheduling; dynamic deployment; integer programming; heuristic algorithms; hill-climbing algorithm; best-first-search algorithm; container terminals; container yard management; logistics; workload scheduling; simulation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2008.021380
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2008 Vol.32 No.4, pp.254 - 264
Published online: 21 Nov 2008 *
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