Title: Hydrogen production by high temperature electrolysis coupled with an EPR, SFR or HTR: techno-economic study and coupling possibilities
Authors: Rodrigo Rivera-Tinoco, Christine Mansilla, Chakib Bouallou, Francois Werkoff
Addresses: Centre Energetique et Procedes, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, 60 bd. Saint Michel 75006 Paris, France; CEA/SACLAY-DEN/DANS/I tese Bat 460-91191 Gif sur Yvette CEDEX, France. ' CEA/SACLAY-DEN/DANS/I tese Bat 460-91191 Gif sur Yvette CEDEX, France. ' Centre Energetique et Procedes, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, 60 bd. Saint Michel 75006 Paris, France. ' Association Francaise de l'Hydrogene 28, rue Saint Dominique 75007 Paris, France
Abstract: Hydrogen production by high temperature electrolysis coupled with three nuclear reactors (the European pressurised reactor, the sodium-cooled fast reactor and the very high temperature reactor) was studied in terms of perspectives and hydrogen production costs. Firstly, we present the features of producing water steam by using the three nuclear reactors. Secondly, we present the hydrogen production cost for the HTE process coupled with each type of nuclear reactor. These costs are optimal values of the hydrogen production cost for the mentioned couplings and they were estimated by using a genetic algorithm procedure. High potentiality for these HTE couplings was assessed and contrary to steam source temperatures, the electricity price appeared to be a key parameter for low hydrogen production costs.
Keywords: EPR; high temperature electrolysis; HTE; hydrogen production; nuclear hydrogen; nuclear energy; nuclear power; SFR; technoeconomics; VHTR; European pressurised reactor; sodium-cooled fast reactors; very high temperature reactors; production costs; genetic algorithms; GAs.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNHPA.2008.019453
International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications, 2008 Vol.1 No.3, pp.249 - 266
Published online: 11 Jul 2008 *
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