Title: Capturing strategic alliance outcomes: an analysis of motives, objectives and outcomes
Authors: Niki Hynes, Diane Mollenkopf
Addresses: Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G4 ORQ, UK. ' Department of Marketing and Logistics, University of Tennessee, USA
Abstract: Strategic alliances are increasingly important to the overall strategy of firms and may be entered to increase competitive advantage. Strategic alliances can include a wide variety of inter-organisational agreements, with a wide range of motives and possible outcomes. Although research suggests that more than half of the alliances fail and that measures of outcomes lack consistency and comparability across the range of alliances. This study proposes a framework and measure that allows a diverse range of alliances, with a wide range of objectives and outcomes to be evaluated for success or failure.
Keywords: empirical; motives; objectives; strategic alliances; strategic alliance formation; inter-organisational agreements; outcomes.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2008 Vol.43 No.1/2/3, pp.194 - 211
Published online: 11 Jul 2008 *
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