Title: In search of corporate renewal: focus on corporate venturing
Authors: Sari M. Kola-Nystrom
Addresses: Head of Strategy, Nokia Latin America, 703 NW 62nd AV., Miami, FL, 33126, USA
Abstract: Today|s changing business environment forces companies to seek continuous corporate renewal and for its part drives the decision to engage in corporate venturing. However, when measured by financial terms, eight out of ten ventures fail. By studying corporate venturing through the management processes, this study defines a framework, which enhances our understanding of the non-financial mechanisms linking corporate venturing and corporate renewal. It defines a framework of strategic corporate venturing, which can help established corporations to use corporate venturing as an engine of corporate renewal.
Keywords: strategy; corporate renewal; innovation; corporate venturing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEIM.2008.019053
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 2008 Vol.8 No.2, pp.196 - 215
Published online: 27 Jun 2008 *
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