Title: A case study about supporting the development of thinking by means of ICT and concretisation tools
Authors: Lou A.M.P. Slangen, Nardie L.J.A. Fanchamps, Piet A.M. Kommers
Addresses: Primary Teacher Training College Limburg, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Burg. Geuljanslaan 16, 6041 NB Roermond, The Netherlands. ' Primary Teacher Training College Limburg, Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Burg. Geuljanslaan 16, 6041 NB Roermond, The Netherlands. ' Lector Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Mgr. Claessenstraat 4, Postbus 558, 6130 AN Sittard, The Netherlands
Abstract: Improving learning and thinking in school has been an objective of the educational community for a long time. Computer applications and especially mind tools can be helpful in reaching this objective. Control software that operates a connected physical micro world and is used as a kind of mind tool, delivers possibilities to develop and support learning and thinking of pupils in school. We studied pupils| thinking behaviour (thinking skills and habits of mind) by analysing the progressive discourse of pupils who solved problems using Techno-Logica control software in a hybrid micro world. We developed a first version of an observation instrument and tested its usefulness in exploring thinking behaviour. In this paper, we present the first results and prospective.
Keywords: control software; habits of mind; hybrid microworlds; ICT; mind tools; Lego Mindstorms; technologica; Techno-Logica; technology; thinking skills; information technology; communications; learning; education.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2008.018834
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2008 Vol.18 No.3, pp.305 - 322
Published online: 19 Jun 2008 *
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