Title: Mechanical behaviour of a Darcet material used in tube extrusion
Authors: Alain Gasser, Damien Soulat, Christian Dausson
Addresses: LMSP (UMR 8106 CNRS-ENSAM-University of Orleans), Polytech'Orleans, 8 rue Leonard de Vinci, 45072 Orleans Cedex 2, France. ' LMSP (UMR 8106 CNRS-ENSAM-University of Orleans), Polytech'Orleans, 8 rue Leonard de Vinci, 45072 Orleans Cedex 2, France. ' COMAP, 46 rue de l'Industrie, 45550 St-Denis de l'Hotel, France
Abstract: Darcet material (a mix of bismuth, lead and tin) can be used in the shaping process of copper joints in T since it is a soft material and it melts down at low temperature (96°C). This process is studied using a finite element simulation that requires the Darcet material behaviour. This behaviour is very particular, depending on the temperature, strain rate and age of the material. It is determined under these different conditions with compression tests, and a behaviour model is proposed. It is introduced in a finite element model that allows one to determine the median branch length of the copper joint versus the stamping length. The influence of different parameters can be studied with this model to optimise the process.
Keywords: copper joints; joint shaping; Darcet material behaviour; finite element method; FEM; simulation; modelling; mechanical behaviour; tube extrusion; temperature; strain rate; material age; compression tests.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMPT.2008.018377
International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 2008 Vol.32 No.1, pp.92 - 106
Published online: 19 May 2008 *
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