Title: A general approach to shape characterisation for biomedical problems
Authors: Davide Moroni, Petra Perner, Ovidio Salvetti
Addresses: Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council, CNR, via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy. ' Institute of Computer Vision and Applied Computer Sciences, Kornerstrabe 10, 04107 Leipzig, Germany. ' Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) of the Italian National Research Council, CNR, via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
Abstract: In this paper, we present a general approach to shape characterisation and deformation analysis of 2D/3D deformable visual objects. In particular, we define a reference dynamic model, encoding morphological and functional properties of an objects class, capable of analysing different scenarios in heart left ventricle analysis. The proposed approach is suitable for generalisation to the analysis of periodically deforming anatomical structures, where it could provide useful support in medical diagnosis. Preliminary results in heart left ventricle analysis are discussed.
Keywords: shape representation; deformation analysis; cardiac imaging; biomedical problems; heart left ventricle; deforming anatomical structures; medical diagnosis.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSISE.2008.017771
International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, 2008 Vol.1 No.1, pp.30 - 35
Published online: 12 Apr 2008 *
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