Title: An assessment of maintenance management initiatives in the Indian manufacturing industry
Authors: I.P.S. Ahuja, J.S. Khamba
Addresses: University College of Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala – 147 002, Punjab, India. ' University College of Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala – 147 002, Punjab, India
Abstract: Traditionally, maintenance has been viewed as a support function of a business. Managing equipment performance has not been a top priority until the recent years in the manufacturing industry. The inadequacies of the maintenance practices in the past have adversely affected organisational competitiveness. The challenging contemporary manufacturing scenario calls for developing a keen understanding of the intricate dynamics of the production facility to remain competitive in the highly challenging business climate. These challenges are forcing manufacturing organisations globally to foster high reliability, availability and maintainability in the manufacturing systems. The present research is aimed at developing an insight into the prevalent maintenance practices adopted in the contemporary Indian manufacturing industry for realising the sustainable growth and development of the industrial sector. The study highlights the endeavour of Indian manufacturing organisations in making significant organisational transformation, from breakdown or reaction maintenance regimes to proactive Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) initiatives for affecting organisational performance improvements.
Keywords: maintenance management; preventive maintenance; PM; predictive maintenance; PdM; computerised maintenance; CMMS; total productive maintenance; TPM; competitiveness; India; manufacturing industry; organisational performance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2008.017664
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2008 Vol.8 No.3, pp.250 - 278
Published online: 26 Mar 2008 *
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