Title: Analysis of order review/release methods in a flexible flow shop to minimise work-in-process inventory and average tardiness
Authors: Ken Cutright, Faizul Huq, Ziaul Huq, Raju Alluri
Addresses: Management Systems Department, Ohio University College of Business, Copeland Hall, Athens, OH 45701, USA. ' Management Systems Department, Ohio University College of Business, Copeland Hall, Athens, OH 45701, USA; Groupe ESC Pau, 64000 Pau, France. ' College of Business Administration, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha, NE 64124, USA; East West University, Bangladesh. ' Ranger Plastics Extrusion Inc., Fort Worth, Texas 76012, USA
Abstract: This paper evaluates the effects of Order Review/Release (ORR) mechanisms, priority rules, and loading mechanisms on jobs in a flexible flow shop. Simulation is used to investigate the effect of two ORR mechanisms, three priority rules, and two loading mechanisms on average Work-in-Process (WIP) costs and job tardiness. The results indicate that the loading mechanisms, along with appropriate ORR mechanism, can significantly affect the flow of jobs through the shop.
Keywords: flexible flow shops; order review/release; ORR; shop floor priorities; loading mechanisms; work-in-process; WIP inventory; average tardiness; priority rules; simulation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTPM.2008.017663
International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management, 2008 Vol.8 No.3, pp.237 - 249
Published online: 26 Mar 2008 *
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