Title: An exit for the IT industry?: Market saturation and the convergence of ubiquitous technology for manufacturing and service sectors
Authors: Junmo Kim
Addresses: Department of Public Administration, KonKuk University, Gwang-Jin-Gu, Hwa-Yang Dong 1, Seoul, 143-701 Korea
Abstract: Industries need new markets. This mere fact appears with the advent of new technology and sometimes with the convergence of different segments of industries that have not previously been closely coupled. Taking this as a background, this research traced those sectors that have shown convergence with the IT sector. To fulfil the objective, this article adopted a market saturation index to find numerical taxonomy-based clustering for clues as to why the convergence phenomenon has occurred. This research concluded that the convergence could have functioned as an exit for the IT sector looking for new markets.
Keywords: information technology; market saturation; technology fusion; ubiquitous technology; taxonomy-based clustering; manufacturing sector; service sector; convergence.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2008 Vol.41 No.3/4, pp.407 - 419
Published online: 22 Jan 2008 *
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