Title: Three types of learning processes in entrepreneurship education
Authors: Alain Fayolle
Addresses: Entrepreneurship Research Centre, EM Lyon and CERAG, University of Pierre Mendes, Grenoble, France
Abstract: As previously stated by numerous researchers, there is no consensus regarding what entrepreneurship is. As a consequence, how could there be a consensus regarding what entrepreneurship stands for as a teaching subject? In this context, the objective of this paper is to address some key issues in entrepreneurship education by focusing on different types of learning processes, highlighting particularly three main and distinct economic and social objectives: training entrepreneurs or professionals in the field (skills), preparing entrepreneurial individuals (mindset) and educating entrepreneurship professors and researchers (theories).
Keywords: entrepreneurship education; learning process; entrepreneurial mindset; experiential learning; training; entrepreneurial skills.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2008 Vol.2 No.2, pp.198 - 207
Published online: 11 Jan 2008 *
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