Title: A theoretical framework for teaching and learning entrepreneurship
Authors: Paula Kyro
Addresses: Helsinki School of Economics, Lapuankatu 6, FIN-00100, Helsinki, Finland
Abstract: Recent research on entrepreneurship education has moved from content questions to the process of learning and teaching. This assumes that we actually have conceptual frameworks for combining learning to teaching. This paper presents a general framework that combines these aspects for fostering individual meta-competencies in planning, conducting and evaluating teaching interventions. It applies the taxonomy of individual difference constructs to the risk learning process and suggests that, besides cognition, we should also include affection and conation in enterprising and entrepreneurial learning. Thus it provides a new approach to plan, conduct and evaluate the outcomes and impact of entrepreneurship education.
Keywords: entrepreneurial learning; enterprising learning; meta-competencies; cognition; conation; affection; risk learning; entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurship teaching; taxonomy.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2008 Vol.2 No.1, pp.39 - 55
Published online: 06 Dec 2007 *
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