Title: A review of trends and adoption model for grid information technology
Authors: J.M. Maqueira, S. Bruque
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Accounting and Sociology, University of Jaen, E.P.S. Linares, C/ Alfonso X el Sabio, 28, 23700 Linares, Jaen, Spain. ' Department of Business Administration, Accounting and Sociology, University of Jaen, E.P.S. Linares, C/ Alfonso X el Sabio, 28, 23700 Linares, Jaen, Spain
Abstract: Nowadays, scientific projects require collaborative environments and powerful computing resources capable of handling huge quantities of data, which gives rise to e-science. These requirements are evident in the need to optimise time and efforts in activities having to do with health and biotechnology. Scientists are taking increasing interest in an emerging technology – Grid Information Technology (GRIT) – that may offer a solution to their current needs. The current work aims to survey how GRIT is being used in the three main economic areas in the world: Europe, Asia-Pacific and the USA. Furthermore, we propose an adoption model of GRIT that may be applied to new health/biotechnology research fields. The paper ends with a discussion on future directions and policy recommendations.
Keywords: grid computing; grid information technology; GRIT; e-science; e-health; biotechnology research; electronic healthcare.
International Journal of Biotechnology, 2007 Vol.9 No.6, pp.607 - 634
Published online: 20 Nov 2007 *
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