Title: Reorganisation and restructuring methods in R&D
Authors: Hans Dietmar Burgel
Addresses: Lessingstr. 8, D-71263 Weil der Stadt, Germany
Abstract: Research and Development (R&D) is focused on supplying an enterprise with new products, services, applications, processes, etc. It typically starts at the beginning of operational value creation and has usually a long lead-time before its results become effective. Reorganisation in the traditional sense will often lead only to short-term success with the danger of reducing the long-term earnings potential of R&D. It should be applied only during company crises. R&D should rather be engaged in constant restructuring efforts in all functional areas and processes concerned. This paper describes instruments that can help to make these measures effective.
Keywords: business process change; company crisis; innovation management; intellectual property rights; reengineering; R&D reorganisation; R&D management; R&D restructuring; research and development; IPR.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2007 Vol.40 No.4, pp.278 - 293
Published online: 12 Nov 2007 *
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