Title: Mobile technology and communications: exploring aspects of Customer Relationship Management
Authors: Alan D. Smith
Addresses: Department of Management and Marketing, Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-3099, USA
Abstract: Cultural and individual factors must be taken into account when mobile technology options are offered and managing Customer Relationship Management initiatives that are created as value-added activities increase from m-commerce transactions. Principal components and factor analyses techniques were the dominant multivariate statistical procedures to be used in this research effort. A survey was conducted over a 4-month period with 21 companies that granted access to their professional employees, resulting in 261 successfully interviewed respondents for the purposes of this study. The hypotheses-testing section revealed that all independent factor-score constructs of Financial Features, Mobile Applications, and Education were statistically significant in differentiation awareness and familiarity of engaged users for mobile technology. As seen in the analysis portion, the opportunities are endless, but mistrust still is a major issue. As more individuals and corporations come on board with mobile technology and mobile networks, the current problems of dead zones will become replaced with higher speeds as data packages continue to approach Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) speed and air cards are made more efficient.
Keywords: bluetooth; customer relationship management; CRM; empirical research; m-commerce; mobile communications; mobile commerce; mobile technology; trust; value-added; principal component analysis; PCA; factor analysis; mobile networks.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2007 Vol.5 No.6, pp.618 - 645
Published online: 24 Jun 2007 *
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