Title: Consumer responsiveness to mobile marketing
Authors: Kristina Heinonen, Tore Strandvik
Addresses: Hanken Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, PO Box 479, FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland. ' Hanken Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, PO Box 479, FIN-00101 Helsinki, Finland
Abstract: Digital marketing media, e.g. internet and mobile phones, are considered powerful new opportunities to reach consumers but are dependent upon consumer responsiveness to the new media. Consumer responsiveness is a function of the perceived relevance of the marketing message and the acceptance of the medium of the message. Two empirical studies conducted in Finland showed that compared to traditional Direct Mail (DM) and commercial e-mail, the responsiveness to mobile marketing was considerably lower. The findings indicate that companies need to consider consumers| responsiveness in order to understand the marketing communication effectiveness in different traditional and new communication media.
Keywords: consumer responsiveness; media acceptance; mobile marketing communication; relevance; Finland; mobile communications; new media; internet; mobile phones.
International Journal of Mobile Communications, 2007 Vol.5 No.6, pp.603 - 617
Published online: 24 Jun 2007 *
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