Title: Resource allocation in non-orthogonal multiple access based cognitive radio networks using an artificial bee colony algorithm

Authors: Subba Amin; Javaid A. Sheikh; Mehboob-Ul Amin; Bilal Ahmad Malik

Addresses: Post Graduate Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Technology, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India ' Post Graduate Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Technology, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India ' Post Graduate Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Technology, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India ' Post Graduate Department of Electronics and Instrumentation Technology, University of Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Abstract: The explosion of wireless technology has created an ever increasing demand for more radio spectrum. Most of the studies have shown that the spectrum bands are being underutilised. These looming spectrum scarcity problems have motivated the search for breakthrough radio technologies that can scale to meet the future demands both in terms of channel capacity and energy efficiency. Cognitive radio is considered to be the promising technology innovation that can enable future wireless world. This paper integrates the cognitive radio system with NOMA to improve the energy efficiency of the downlink NOMA system by maximising the sum and target rates of weak users and minimising the average transmission power of the secondary user network, thereby limiting average interference to the primary user. The closed-form solution for optimal power allocation is to maximise the sum rate using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition. An Artificial Bee colony global optimisation algorithm is employed to derive the optimal values for the bee colony vector by analysing Lagrangian dual analysis. The power allocation problem is thus converged to its best solution using the sub-gradient method. Finally, the simulation results have been presented to validate the analytical expression and proposed algorithm. The experimental results have been outlined in terms of capacity, sum rate, target rate and outage probability.

Keywords: ABC; artificial bee colony; CR; cognitive radio; KKT; Karush-Kuhn-Tucker; NOMA; non-orthogonal multiple access.

DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2024.141459

International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2024 Vol.27 No.3, pp.217 - 228

Received: 10 Feb 2023
Accepted: 02 Sep 2023

Published online: 13 Sep 2024 *

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