Title: New era of schooling: dark web of social media and its impact on private-public school students

Authors: Ridhima Sharma

Addresses: School of Business Studies, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-TC, Delhi, India; Amity University, Dubai

Abstract: Nowadays, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students have been occupied in different and multiple things during their school hours. They have been utilising various devices like mobile phones, laptops, tabs and are using and operating social media on them during the time of learning and class hours. This paper also explores the moderating effect of the school and parents support with respect to the relationship with the stress, cyber-harassment and performance of a student. With the help of P-E fit model, the study observed 264 public and private sector students of different schools and analysed the effect of variables on their performance. The study depicted a negative impact of cyber-harassment, stress due to technology and juggling of media during school hours on performance of a student. A moderation effect can be seen by parents and school support with respect to the negative relation betwixt performance and stress.

Keywords: COVID-19; social media; cyber security; performance; school.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMP.2024.140862

International Journal of Management Practice, 2024 Vol.17 No.5, pp.620 - 634

Accepted: 09 Aug 2023
Published online: 03 Sep 2024 *

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