Title: Attack and defense simulation platform for satellite networks based on Mininet
Authors: Weipeng Liang; Binjie Liao; Peixian Chen; Yipeng Wang; Shan Ai; Yu Wang; Teng Huang; Jianwei He
Addresses: Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, Guangzhou University, GuangDong, China ' Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, Guangzhou University, GuangDong, China ' Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, Guangzhou University, GuangDong, China ' Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, Guangzhou University, GuangDong, China ' Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, Guangzhou University, GuangDong, China ' Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, Guangzhou University, GuangDong, China ' Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain, Guangzhou University, GuangDong, China ' CASIC Space Engineering Development Co., Ltd, 430416, Hubei, China
Abstract: The LEO satellite network has attracted a lot of attention due to its low latency and low link loss. However, its security has not received enough attention. In this context, we propose a LEO satellite network attack and defense simulation platform called MSP, which allows us to customise the distributed LEO satellite network for attack and defense simulation. On MSP, we implement four types of possible attacks on LEO satellite networks, namely DDoS, port scanning, FTP blasting and SSH blasting, and provide some mitigations. The experiments show that these four types of malicious attacks can bring risks such as network congestion, service disruption, port explosion, and password leaks to LEO satellite networks.
Keywords: low earth orbit satellite network; satellite constellations; simulation; malicious attacks; security.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCSE.2024.138420
International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering, 2024 Vol.27 No.3, pp.258 - 267
Received: 26 Sep 2022
Accepted: 25 Feb 2023
Published online: 03 May 2024 *