Title: An empirical analysis of voter's satisfaction using political sensitivity scale and voter satisfaction model
Authors: Deepika; Shashank Vikram Pratap Singh
Addresses: Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India ' Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India
Abstract: The fate of India's politics is decided by the rural population, as 82% of the electorate and 454 out of 543 seats of Lok Sabha are rural. For this reason, rural population remains the central point when political parties frame strategies to win elections. Now the question in front of political parties is how the rural voters value their framed policies. One such measurement is voter satisfaction. The present study aims to revalidate the political sensitivity scale by Kirmani et al. (2020) and voter satisfaction model by Kirmani et al. (2019) on Indian rural voters. Through this study an attempt has been made to find out factors that are being considered relevant by Indian rural voters. The data has been collected from 619 rural voters and empirical analysis has been done by applying SEM in AMOS Software. The findings provide useful insights to the researchers and political parties in India.
Keywords: election; political marketing; political parties; rural voters; voter satisfaction.
DOI: 10.1504/IJHRCS.2024.137726
International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies, 2024 Vol.11 No.2, pp.200 - 223
Received: 15 Dec 2022
Accepted: 06 Jan 2023
Published online: 04 Apr 2024 *