Title: Experimental investigation and energy-exergy analysis of indirect liquid jaggery-making system based on parabolic dish concentrator
Authors: Vikrant Kumar; Chandrashekara M; Avadhesh Yadav
Addresses: School of Renewable Energy and Efficiency, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana, 136119, India ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana, 136119, India ' Solar Thermal Division, National Institute of Solar Energy, Gurugram, Haryana, 122003, India
Abstract: In this research, a novel indirect liquid jaggery-making system based on solar energy has been devised and assessed indoors in the climate of northern India. The thermic oil serving as the heat transfer fluid in the conical cavity receiver is heated using a parabolic dish concentrator. This accumulated intense heat is conveyed through connecting pipes to an indoor cooking pan. The system's performance was assessed over three consecutive days, processing 1 kg of sugarcane juice. Additionally, energy and exergy analyses were conducted, revealing a maximum energy efficiency of 11.08% and a maximum exergy efficiency of 2.31% for the system.
Keywords: parabolic dish concentrator; solar cooking; liquid jaggery; heat transfer fluid; HTF; energy efficiency; exergy efficiency.
International Journal of Exergy, 2024 Vol.43 No.1, pp.59 - 80
Received: 18 Jul 2023
Accepted: 31 Dec 2023
Published online: 01 Feb 2024 *