Title: The role of organisational career management in enhancing employees' self-competence and the influence of organisational learning culture as moderator with specific reference to the IT industry
Authors: A. Shakti Priya; B. Prabu Christopher
Addresses: VIT Business School, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore – 632 014, India ' VIT Business School, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore – 632 014, India
Abstract: This study aims to understand better how organisational learning culture (OLC) and organisational career management (OCM) collaborate to increase employees' self-competence (SC). This study surveyed 228 prominent information technology (IT) professionals from India using a quantitative methodology. Structural equation modelling with partial least squares was employed to test the study's hypothesis. According to the findings, how an individual's career manages within an organisation substantially affects their perception of SC. The interaction between OLC and OCM has a cumulative effect on employees' SC. When an organisation fosters a learning culture, the advantages of career management for employees are amplified. Since most of the sample comprises young adults, this study suggests that current generations expect an organisation to have a resilient learning culture. This finding is essential to the IT industry, given that work-from-home culture persists post-COVID and the extent to which learning culture could effectively implement at this juncture.
Keywords: organisational learning culture; OLC; organisational career management; OCM; self-competence; SC; signalling theory; experiential learning theory; Erikson's re-envisaged stages; young adulthood.
International Journal of Work Innovation, 2024 Vol.5 No.1, pp.58 - 79
Received: 02 Jun 2023
Accepted: 14 Jul 2023
Published online: 16 Jan 2024 *