Title: Decision making and martial arts
Authors: José Soeiro Ferreira
Addresses: Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal; INESC TEC – Technology and Science, Porto, Portugal
Abstract: Martial arts (MAs) are a global training system that goes far beyond physical preparation and self-defence. They have been known for a long time, and their wisdom and impact are impressive. The paper illustrates matters about MAs which are relevant to decision making (DM). The recognition of the limitations of the sole dependence on physical ability (hard approaches) is a breakthrough in MAs. The pillars of body and technique are not enough to reach a global vision and overcome severe problems. MAs are committed to mastering faculties linked to intuition, emotions, and thought-free operations, signifying the pillar mind. These revelations have insightful implications for DM and the promptness in approaching the growing complexity of decision problems. Special attention is devoted to the mind, representing a soft paradigm, emphasising the human dimension, integrating intuition and complying with ethics. Finally, the paper delineates a MAs way to improve DM as science and art.
Keywords: decision making; martial arts; operational research; hard and soft methodologies; intuition; emotions; ethics.
International Journal of Operational Research, 2023 Vol.48 No.4, pp.467 - 493
Received: 16 Apr 2020
Accepted: 08 Mar 2021
Published online: 15 Dec 2023 *