Title: Ground-state properties of closed-shell neutron-rich nuclei
Authors: Ali H. Taqi; Ahmed A. Al-Rubaiee; Shayma'a H. Amin
Addresses: Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq ' Department of Physics, College of Science, Al-Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq ' Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq
Abstract: In the present work, the nuclear structure of closed-shell neutron-rich nuclei: 40, 48Ca, 90Zr, 116Sn, 144Sm and 208Pb, has been investigated in the framework of self-consistent Hartree-Fock (HF) with 20 types of Skyrme interactions. The binding energies per nucleon (B/A), charge radii (Rch), neutron radii (rn), proton radii (rp) and neutron skin thickness (Rskin) were calculated and compared with the available experimental data. The studied observables are useful for analysing nuclear structure and provide information about the nuclear shape; hence, the calculated values of the present work were supported by statistical calculations by determining and discussion the statistical linear Pearson coefficient.
Keywords: self-consistent Hartree-Fock; Skyrme interaction; binding energy; neutron skin thickness; neutron; proton and charge radii.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNEST.2023.135377
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, 2023 Vol.16 No.3, pp.169 - 193
Published online: 07 Dec 2023 *
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