Title: SWOT and AHP analysis for quality and reliability culture in public design centres of India

Authors: Manmeet Singh; Nilesh Ware

Addresses: Department of Technology Management, DIAT, Pune – 411025, India ' Department of Technology Management, DIAT, Pune – 411025, India

Abstract: Indian design centres have fixed a place for themselves in little over seven decades for the development of products ranging from space, defence, agriculture, medical, and aerospace domains. Quality and reliability practices are followed for the entire product design life cycle. This work is based on the study on quality and reliability management practices followed for systems in public design centres of India. A focus group study is carried out for SWOT and AHP analysis of quality and reliability culture in public design centres of India. Weightage of each SWOT set and each SWOT factor is evaluated through pairwise comparison matrices using AHP. SWOT strategies are suggested by the focus group and are ranked based on AHP and relevance value. In SWOT sets, the maximum weightage of 0.4547 is for strengths. The highest total relevance value is for the strategy of increasing the export potential of Indian designed product by firming up the quality and reliability practices and using the advanced technology. This will make the product more robust.

Keywords: quality and reliability; Q&R; R&D management; engineering systems; India.

DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2023.135326

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2023 Vol.30 No.3, pp.368 - 384

Received: 25 Mar 2022
Accepted: 30 Jun 2022

Published online: 05 Dec 2023 *

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