Title: The impact of feedback methods on student achievement
Authors: Zamira Gashi Shatri; Ruzhdi Kadrija
Addresses: Faculty of Education, University 'Fehmi Agani' in Gjakova, Gjakova District, Kosovo ' Faculty of Education, University 'Fehmi Agani' in Gjakova, Gjakova District, Kosovo
Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the impact of verbal and written formative feedback on student achievement via email and online platforms. The research applies an explanatory mixed-methods design that combines quantitative research and qualitative research. The standardised questionnaires were carried out in ten lower secondary schools in Kosovo (seventh and eighth grades) in urban and rural areas. In total, n = 659 and n = 202 who teach civic education. In the quasi-experimental design, we selected two junior high schools: an urban school and a rural school. Findings show that teachers who apply formative feedback techniques meet the different needs of students more, and there is a significant increase in student achievement and success. The research findings will assist educational policymakers, decision makers and teachers in revising and improving assessment methods in order to promote student motivation for their achievement.
Keywords: formative assessment; verbal feedback; written feedback; feedback via email; online feedback.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2024.135184
International Journal of Management in Education, 2024 Vol.18 No.1, pp.1 - 21
Received: 07 Jan 2023
Accepted: 30 Jul 2023
Published online: 01 Dec 2023 *