Title: Exploring measures of e-learning culture in companies

Authors: Chung-Chu Liu

Addresses: National Taipei University, 151, University Rd., San Shia, Taipei 237, Taiwan

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to construct the e-learning culture indicators of businesses. In-depth interviews were used to collect data. Content analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) were used to analyse data. According to the results, this research divides e-learning culture into three dimensions: system culture, staff culture and environment culture. The research also develops 13 indicators for business e-learning culture assessment. Measuring the e-learning culture of businesses could be used to help improve employees| job satisfaction and outcome.

Keywords: e-learning culture; learning organisations; organisational learning; learning models; learning effectiveness; in-depth interviews; content analysis; analytical hierarchy process; AHP; online learning; culture assessment; job satisfaction.

DOI: 10.1504/IJIL.2007.013453

International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2007 Vol.4 No.6, pp.647 - 660

Published online: 29 Apr 2007 *

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