Title: Organisational response to COVID-19 crisis through socially impactful business actions: a case study

Authors: Tanushri Banerjee; Pramod Paliwal

Addresses: School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India ' School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Abstract: This paper attempts to address the question of how prepared organisations can be for unprecedented, once in a century, crises such as COVID-19. Can CSR help them avoid crises like this? In times when companies have to deal with the serious effects of COVID-19 pandemic, the authors have tried to determine ways in which companies have dealt with this emerging situation. Among other measures, socially impactful activities, including corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been leveraged for competitiveness and creating goodwill. The authors have attempted to address such questions by undertaking an analysis of Indian companies' efforts in general, while specifically focusing on a non-pharmaceutical manufacturing conglomerate, towards combating COVID-19 through socially impactful actions. The case study has been written by undertaking relevant literature review to formulate a conceptual framework and deriving objectives of the study.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility; organisation performance; social change; automobile sector; Mahindra Group; COVID-19; crisis management; creativity; business-innovation.

DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2023.134244

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2023 Vol.30 No.2, pp.291 - 306

Received: 16 Nov 2021
Accepted: 21 Jun 2022

Published online: 14 Oct 2023 *

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