Title: True empathy, part 1: identification and healing
Authors: Ingrid Maria Moser
Addresses: Zentrum für Geistige Heilweisen, ZGH, Bergwirtstrasse 45, 8075 Hart bei Graz, Austria
Abstract: In the recent decade, scientific literature of healing through spirituality has grown almost hundredfold as compared to the last century. In such a situation and as a fundamental guidance within the many existing concepts of healing, this article proposes spiritual healing through empathy. To provide fundamental orientation, the present approach mainly distinguishes three concepts: 1) identification with the body and with the ego; 2) identification with the cosmos and its powers; 3) identification with the Holy Spirit - meaning the divine. Based on such clarification, the article explains the difference between cosmic and spiritual empathy in detail. While many approaches might initially start out with perceiving the breath and the flow of energy, cosmic healing might limit itself to a concept of equilibration regarding human health whereas it might not necessarily achieve true healing. Spiritual healing, however, achieves the dissolution (not merely harmonising) of blockages, thus leading to healing.
Keywords: energy; healing; empathy; wholeness; spiritual healing; holistic healing; identification; holy spirit; energy healing; energy flow; cosmic powers; body; identification with the ego; the divine.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2023.134085
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2023 Vol.22 No.2/3, pp.210 - 224
Received: 14 Apr 2023
Accepted: 24 Apr 2023
Published online: 10 Oct 2023 *