Title: How leader-member exchange and team-member exchange mediate the relationship between diversified work climate and team performance
Authors: Mariam Bhatti; Jayaraman Krishnaswami; Nelvin XeChung Leow
Addresses: School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law, Taylors University Lakeside Campus, Malaysia ' Amrita School of Business, Amrita University, Coimbatore, India ' School of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law, Taylors University Lakeside Campus, Malaysia
Abstract: In an interdependent work set up with varying culture of employee's demography, industry requires strong interpersonal relationships among team members for effective team performance. The present study proposes a framework for diversified work climate in conjunction with cultural, personality, colloquialism, and religion diversity and their influence on team performance. The new constructs in the form of leader-member and team-member exchanges are considered the mediating variables. About 340 survey questionnaires were gathered from the supervisors/team leaders of the textile industries located in Lahore and Karachi in Pakistan where team performance plays a vital role in the industry's revenue. The significant findings using PLS-SEM reveal that leader-member and team-member exchanges are crucial in mediating the relationship between the diversified work climate of teams and their performance which emerges as the novelty of the present study. Further, the study indicates the importance of team leader/supervisor to mitigate the work culture and ethics of employees which decides on the effectiveness of the team performance and ultimately on the production targets.
Keywords: colloquialism diversity; religion diversity; self-efficacy; multicultural team performance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBDA.2023.133308
International Journal of Business and Data Analytics, 2023 Vol.2 No.3, pp.302 - 334
Received: 07 Jul 2022
Accepted: 06 Feb 2023
Published online: 11 Sep 2023 *