Title: How blockchain solves the supply chain problems using RFID techniques

Authors: Tapan Kumar Behera; B.S. Panda; Debabrata Samanta

Addresses: Forrester Research, Inc., 60 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA ' Department of CSE, Raghu Engineering College, India ' Department of CIT, Rochester Institute of Technology, Prishtina, Kosovo

Abstract: Blockchain technology has revolutionised the software industry and is proving to be a powerful tool to solve unresolved issues in supply chain management. This paper discusses how blockchain can address challenges in transparency, accountability, and trust, especially when dealing with valuable goods like diamonds, gold, liquor, or medical drugs. By utilising its peer-to-peer architecture, blockchain can eliminate intermediaries and reduce costs. When combined with RFID technology, it creates a highly secure and transparent system that can predict and prevent problems before they occur. We propose a supply chain model that incorporates machine learning with RFID technology, which can automate processes and improve system speed while meeting customer demands during peak periods. This paper shows how blockchain is a future-proof solution that can give a significant boost to the current supply chain system. The proposed blockchain-based supply chain model with RFID technology is a promising avenue for supply chain management that provides benefits for years to come.

Keywords: blockchain; supply chain; internet of things; IoT; machine learning; artificial intelligence; master data management; MDM; distributed ledger technology; DLT; RFID.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBC.2023.132701

International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies, 2023 Vol.4 No.2, pp.105 - 122

Received: 27 Nov 2022
Accepted: 26 Feb 2023

Published online: 08 Aug 2023 *

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