Title: Homogeneous charge compression ignition as an alternative combustion mode for the future of internal combustion engines
Authors: Zeynep Serinyel, Luis Le Moyne, Philippe Guibert
Addresses: Laboratoire de Mecanique Physique, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 2 Place de la Gare de Ceinture, 78210 Saint Cyr l'Ecole, France. ' Laboratoire de Mecanique Physique, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 2 Place de la Gare de Ceinture, 78210 Saint Cyr l'Ecole, France. ' Laboratoire de Mecanique Physique, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 2 Place de la Gare de Ceinture, 78210 Saint Cyr l'Ecole, France
Abstract: I.C. engines must fulfill environmental requirements, deliver high power and torque, at low fuel economy and cost. Diesel engines produce high levels of NOx and particulate matter, spark ignition engines have lower efficiency. Homogeneous charge compression ignition appears as a new combustion technique that could combine in itself the advantages of both engines, significant soot and NOx reduction and low consumption. Various names have been attributed to this particular mode of combustion such as ATAC, UNIBUS, CAI, CIHC, PCCI, etc. This paper aims to give an overview of this combustion mode, and its chemical and thermodynamic aspects.
Keywords: internal combustion engines; homogeneous charge compression ignition; HCCI; chemical reactions; heat release; mixture formation; thermodynamics; nitrogen oxides reduction; soot reduction; emissions reduction.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2007 Vol.44 No.1/2, pp.20 - 40
Published online: 12 Apr 2007 *
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