Title: Transforming to NextGen air transportation system: a case study for Turkey's national aerospace development
Authors: Mehmet Necati Cizrelioğullari; Tapdig İmanov
Addresses: Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Tourism, Cyprus Science University, TRNC, Turkey ' Department of Civil Aviation Cabin Services, Vocational School of Aviation, Cyprus Science University, TRNC, Turkey
Abstract: Innovation of the air transportation system is crucial on all stages of its development, which requires continuous support. Modernisation of ageing equipment, development of new generation (NG) aircrafts and its systems makes necessary shifts to a next generation (NextGen) aviation industry era. This study compares the existing technologies of the air transportation system used in Turkey's aviation industry with the NextGen concept and its main pillars for the development of new elements. This study also examines the feasibility of leveraging new elements of the NextGen concept that would efficiently use the national airspace, which include satellite-based navigation and surveillance, advanced digital communications, integrated air traffic management, and wide information sharing systems. Taking into account the increasing trend of development of the international and regional air transportation network from/to Turkey in the near future, it is considered appropriate to apply the concept of NextGen in the Turkish aviation industry in order to avoid difficulties in managing airspace. The results of the study state several benefits upon application of NextGen elements, but expected cost issues need to be defined by the government to invest in its implementation and development.
Keywords: air transportation; next generation; NextGen; airspace; aviation; Turkey.
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 2023 Vol.9 No.3, pp.262 - 278
Received: 20 May 2022
Accepted: 18 Dec 2022
Published online: 11 Jul 2023 *