Title: The new era of online education
Authors: Amulya Bharadwaj
Addresses: Department of Studies in Rural and Tribal Business and Management, Karnataka State Folklore University, Gotagodi, Haveri, Karnataka, India
Abstract: The educational scene in India covers various angles and perspectives from pre-school to advanced education and has been created to guarantee full improvement of the human character through a predefined organised system to building learning, aptitudes, capacities and frames of mind essential for the new economy. The sudden strike of the pandemic shook the education stakeholders and the parents were one of those stakeholders who were affected by the sudden shift to online education. The research on digital supported learning as envisioned in the National Education Policy 2020 is marked by large gaps, while its sudden implementation was struggling to accept. This paper aims to capture the perceptions of parents of schoolchildren. However, the students, teachers and institutions' perceptions are relevantly significant for the overall scope of the research, to obtain a holistic stakeholder perspective on the digital learning support.
Keywords: online education; teaching-learning environment; perception of parents.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2023.131443
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2023 Vol.29 No.2, pp.188 - 199
Received: 28 Sep 2021
Accepted: 08 Dec 2021
Published online: 13 Jun 2023 *