Title: FPGA implementation of AES encryptor based on rolled and masked approach

Authors: Monika Mathur; Nidhi Goel

Addresses: Department of ECE, IGDTUW, Kashmere Gate, Delhi, India ' Department of ECE, IGDTUW, Kashmere Gate, Delhi, India

Abstract: The present work proposes a modified 8-bit AES architecture that performs AES core operations in a single round wherein data is iterated ten times instead of having ten different rounds leading to substantial decrease in area and power consumption. To enhance the security of AES encryption, boolean masking has been employed for all AES operations, rounds and intermediate data. Modified architecture for AddRoundKey and ByteSubstitution operation has been proposed that employs high order masking. Also, an enhanced key expansion algorithm is proposed that makes AES less vulnerable to saturation attacks and differential power analysis (DPA) attacks. Implementation of the proposed architecture has been done using Vivado Design Suite on Virtex-7 FPGA. Result analysis depicts that, during the performance explore strategy, 179.73 MHz maximum frequency with a throughput of 143.78 Mbps has been achieved whereas, the proposed architecture utilises 757 slices, 962 LUTs and 0.313 watt power using area explore strategy.

Keywords: advanced encryption standard; AES; field-programmable gate array; FPGA; Boolean masking; enhanced key expansion algorithm; DPA attack; rolled architecture.

DOI: 10.1504/IJICS.2023.131090

International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 2023 Vol.21 No.1/2, pp.1 - 18

Received: 10 May 2021
Accepted: 12 Jul 2021

Published online: 26 May 2023 *

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