Title: Drivers of e-marketing orientation for entrepreneurs and the self-employed in Jordan: the moderating role of perceived continuity of COVID-19 using the SEM approach
Authors: Wael Hadi; Sahem Nawafleh
Addresses: Information Security – University of Petra, 11196, Jordan ' Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Department of Public Administration, Yarmouk University, 11183, Jordan
Abstract: This paper sought to identify what key drivers have shaped the extent of E-marketing orientation (EMO) among entrepreneurs and the self-employed during these 'unprecedented times' in the Jordanian context. The study made use of a previously proposed model and incorporated the perceived continuity of COVID-19 as a moderating factor. The study used cross-sectional quantitative-deductive methods and self-administrated questionnaire. Non-probability convenience sampling was used, and the sample comprised 314 responses from owners, directors, managers, supervisors, the partners of businesses in Jordan. SMART partial-least-squares were used and path analysis reported that perceived relative advantage, level of competition and perceived continuity of COVID-19 scored moderate level of influence, whereas the remaining antecedents scored a low level of variance. Moreover, perceived complexity seen insignificant negative antecedent. Perceived continuity of COVID-19 was seen to directly influence EMO and was identified as a standalone antecedent considering that the moderation paths did not demonstrate any significant influence.
Keywords: EMO; E-marketing orientation; drivers; social media; COVID-19; entrepreneurs; self-employed; Jordan.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 2023 Vol.15 No.2, pp.164 - 183
Accepted: 15 Aug 2022
Published online: 03 May 2023 *