Title: Association of mindfulness, subjective well-being and coping up with stress among university students
Authors: Priyanka Nema; Shruti Sinha
Addresses: Jagran Lakecity University, Chandanpura, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India ' Jagran Lakecity University, Chandanpura, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
Abstract: Graduating from a university has various personal, academic and social challenges due to which the life of a student could be highly stressful. The goal of this research study is to understand if being mindful helps students/individuals to cope up with stress better. Contributing to the literature this paper describes the relationship between how being mindful leads to achieving life satisfaction which often helps in coping with the stress in the university student. The study establishes the linkages between coping with stress strategy and mindfulness and also tries to assess the role of subjective well-being in their relationship. The data for the study has been collected from 238 students aged in the range of 18-25 years. The data has been analysed using SPSS 20. The model of the study utilises Baron and Kenny's Mediation analysis. Research finding suggests that subjective well-being partially mediates the relationship between mindfulness and coping up with stress.
Keywords: mindfulness; well-being; stress; mediation analysis.
DOI: 10.1504/WREMSD.2023.130612
World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 2023 Vol.19 No.3/4/5, pp.280 - 291
Received: 10 Dec 2019
Accepted: 23 Nov 2020
Published online: 02 May 2023 *