Title: Trust as a leveraging factor for civic engagement
Authors: Suha AlAwadhi
Addresses: Department of Information Studies, College of Social Sciences, Kuwait University, Kuwait
Abstract: This paper aims to investigate trust as a critical factor that increases e-government information and services usage that lead to civic engagement in a developing country. The study developed a theoretical framework that hypothesises several relationships between the trust in government, trust in technology, perceived usefulness, trust in e-government, the intention to use e-government and civic engagement. More than 500 individuals are eligible to use e-government services in Kuwait participated in the survey. The results supported the majority of the relationships to confirm the role of trust in the use of e-government services. The study provides theoretical contributions as well as practical implications for researchers and practitioners working on the improvement of e-government projects to increase their adoption and use.
Keywords: e-government; electronic government; trust; civic engagement; adoption; e-government information and services; e-government use; trust in government; trust in technology; perceived usefulness; intention to use; Kuwait.
Electronic Government, an International Journal, 2023 Vol.19 No.3, pp.356 - 375
Received: 12 Oct 2020
Accepted: 06 Jun 2021
Published online: 01 May 2023 *