Title: An assessment of current marketing strategies of urban air mobility
Authors: Volkan Yavas; Rustem Baris Yesilay
Addresses: Ege University Aviation Higher Vocational School, Fatih Mah. No. 114, PK: 35414, Sarnic – Gaziemir, Izmir, Turkey ' Ege University Aviation Higher Vocational School, Fatih Mah. No. 114, PK: 35414, Sarnic – Gaziemir, Izmir, Turkey
Abstract: Digitalisation with Industry 4.0, in electrical and autonomous vehicles which have self-travel and parking capabilities, have begun to affect and transform the transportation sector, mainly surface, and air transportation. Parallel to these developments, passenger demand has started to shift to electrical and autonomous vehicles. In this sense innovative marketing strategies are needed to eliminate consumer concerns such as environment, safety, and privacy especially for autonomous aircraft (UAM). The main goal of this study is to analyse the current situation of the UAM market. A content analysis, by using Vosviewer, is conducted on the marketing activities of companies that continue their certification studies on passenger transportation. It is found that there is no widespread marketing strategy or consumer focus for UAM in general, and the elements for promoting technology and aircraft attract attention.
Keywords: urban air mobility; UAM; air taxi services; marketing; consumer acceptance; innovation.
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation, 2023 Vol.9 No.2, pp.149 - 161
Received: 08 Feb 2022
Accepted: 31 Oct 2022
Published online: 03 Apr 2023 *