Title: Cleanroom validation processes and reducing greenhouse gas emissions through automation

Authors: M. Zeki Yilmazoğlu; Enis Doğan Dağdemir

Addresses: Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gazi University, Maltepe, Ankara, Turkey ' Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Gazi University, Maltepe, Ankara, Turkey

Abstract: This study is aimed at examining the validation and operation steps in a cleanroom, to reduce the rate of air changes per hour in the cleanroom to maintain the pressure difference except when not in use. Before changing the HEPA filters of 23 operating rooms in Gazi University Hospital, air change rate measurements were carried out and compared with the measurements of the last two years. Particles were counted to verify the ISO class of the operating theatres. Since the airflow rate decreases outside of working hours, the determination of the decontamination period, which is one of the validation steps, should be taken into consideration. In this study, the reduction of operating costs and greenhouse gas emissions are examined by considering different operating scenarios. It was calculated that 63.2% of energy savings can be achieved and 2.76 tons of CO2 emissions per year can be prevented for an operating room according to different operating scenarios.

Keywords: cleanroom; healthcare; greenhouse gas; particle; energy-saving; validation; TAB.

DOI: 10.1504/IJGW.2023.129486

International Journal of Global Warming, 2023 Vol.29 No.3, pp.194 - 206

Received: 29 Oct 2021
Accepted: 05 Mar 2022

Published online: 10 Mar 2023 *

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