Title: Implementing RSA algorithm for network security using dual prime secure protocol in crypt analysis
Authors: R. Durga; Periyasamy Sudhakar
Addresses: Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 641046, India ' Department of School of Computing, EITM, Mekelle University, Ethiopia
Abstract: Cryptography is the most important approach for secure communication. Demonstrating security is well experimented with RSA algorithm. RSA algorithm is used to monitor hackers and to change transpositions. In the original RSA crypto mechanism, the user uses the RSA (DPSP) algorithmic program and generates dual prime pairs for the encrypted messages that are sorted priority-wise, translate and rotate the intractable algorithm to obtain essential security enhancement. This methodology reduces a danger of man-in-middle attacks. RSA (DPSP) algorithm is mainly applied for distributing the data with different environment. In securing RSA (DPSP) for secure file transmission, there are several cases wherever we would like secure file transmission to avoid any kind of attack from intruders to process the location with approachable positions to represent with proper identifications of a system. In RSA (DPSP) algorithm, the most important key representation is symmetrical random key of crypto mechanism.
Keywords: cryptography; RSA algorithm secured protocol; file transmission; nodes; ns2 tool; priority programming.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAIP.2023.129183
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 2023 Vol.24 No.3/4, pp.355 - 368
Received: 04 Dec 2017
Accepted: 23 Dec 2017
Published online: 01 Mar 2023 *