Title: Investigation of thermal and structural response of disc brake of electric two wheeler for optimum performance
Authors: Sachin Thakre; Achal Shahare; G.K. Awari
Addresses: Mechanical Engineering Department, G H Raisoni University, Amravati, 444701, India ' Mechanical Engineering Department, G H Raisoni University, Amravati, 444701, India ' Automobile Engineering, Government Polytechnic, Nagpur, Nagpur, 440001, India
Abstract: The increase in temperature of the disc due to application of a disc brake, results in thermal distortion, brake fading, and braking fluid vapourisation, among other things. As a result, predicting the temperature rise of a brake system and assessing its thermal performance is critical for the vehicle's and passengers' safety. This study creates a new test rig for evaluating the performance of disc brakes on electric two-wheelers. Three distinct discs with same diameter, each with a different mass and structure, were chosen for research. The finite element method (FEM) software ANSYS R18.2 workbench was used to do the numerical study of rotor temperature, which included thermal and structural analysis. The numerical results are examined, analysed, and validated against experimental data. The numerical and experimental values are very close to one another. The average percentage of error between experimental and computed numerical data for rotor temperature is found 6.49%.
Keywords: disc brake; electric two-wheeler: structural analysis: thermal analysis; finite element method; FEM.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVSMT.2022.129140
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing, 2022 Vol.16 No.3, pp.240 - 258
Received: 29 May 2022
Accepted: 03 Aug 2022
Published online: 22 Feb 2023 *