Title: Conceptual analysis of socio-economic impact through women's Self Help Groups in Dharmapuri zone
Authors: K.R. Vijayamalleeswari; C. Mugunthan
Addresses: Department of Commerce, Periyar University, PG Extension Centre, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, 636 701, India ' Department of Commerce, Periyar University, PG Extension Centre, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, 636 701, India
Abstract: For complete empowerment, the women's empowerment method proposes economic empowerment first. Sustainable development and universal development goals demand economic upliftment for women. Vibrant public policies, long-term commitment and a complete approach would support women's economic emancipation. Through economic empowerment, women can rise in their families and communities. Early marriage, domestic obligations, etc. hinder rural women's education. Unemployed women can perceive daily needs, control resources, and make decisions when empowered. Empowerment allows women to make health, education, and income-boosting risk-taking decisions. Increasing women's autonomy and self-confidence transforms society and institutions. Women must modify their thoughts to affect their future. Transformation requires it. Women must modify their thoughts to affect their future. Change needs it. Second, appreciate material, human, and social resources and have influence over them. Third, women should comprehend structural inequality and act. This study discusses disadvantaged women's upliftment through SHGs. Poor women in Dharmapuri have benefited from Self-Help Groups.
Keywords: women's empowerment; sustainable development; economic development; income; opportunities; self-confidence; participation challenges; transformation; social resources; self-help groups.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKBD.2022.128902
International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 2022 Vol.12 No.3/4, pp.261 - 279
Received: 13 Mar 2022
Accepted: 27 Jun 2022
Published online: 09 Feb 2023 *